18.06.2009, 15-year presence of ArchiDoc on the market!
ArchiDoc observes the 15th anniversary of activity. Nowadays, the company employs amost 500 employers, and its warehouse infrastructure comprises 12,000 m2.
ArchiDoc observes the 15th anniversary of activity. Nowadays, the company employs amost 500 employers, and its warehouse infrastructure comprises 12,000 m2.
ArchiDoc works for over 280 customers, among others, from telecommunication, financing, insurance and energy industries. In 2008 the company’s gross receipts was PLN 44,000,000.
ArchiDoc continues the traditions of Archiwa Śląskie company which started its business activity in 1994 in Katowice and was one of the first private archives on the area of Silesia. The company was created due to a high market demand for handling of documentation left after liquidated or bankrupt national enterprises. 1990s were the period of company’s quick development in cooperation both with Archiwa Państwowe (National Archives) and Zakład Ubezpieczeń Społecznych (Social Insurance Institution), and the high level of services translated into increasing number of orders. At that time a demand appeared on the market for services consisting in organising and professional handling of commercial entities’ archive resources. To a large extent it was a result of adjusting the internal procedures of enterprises to requirements of the European Union. Trying to satisfy the needs, Archiwa Śląskie included in the offer solutions based on innovative information technologies, which had not been previously present on the Polish market.
Decisive moment in the company’s history was year 2003 when the company signed a prestigious contract for handling archive documentation of Telekomunikacja Polska SA (Polish Telecommunication joint-stock company). Pillar of the project was organising and comprehensive managing of Central Documents Archive, dedicated for the client. It was the largest logistic operation, unique in Poland and one of the largest in Europe. This Contract allowed Archiwa Śląskie to obtain unique experience from the scope of modern document management for one of the largest Polish companies, processing mass data.
“For 15 years ArchiDoc, previously Archiwa Śląskie, has handled documents in outsourcing model of the largest Polish companies. As the first in Poland we combined the offer of this area with IT solutions, allowing both, automation of our services provision and increase of data processing security. Many-year experience, highest quality standards and openness to innovative technologies provided ArchiDoc with the market leader position. We are far from resting on our laurels. Our company systematically widens the scope of services provided so as to meet the demands of present and potential customers in the most comprehensive manner possible” – says Piotr Cholewa, President of the Management board ArchiDoc Sp. z o.o.
As a consequence of intense development and transformation of regional archiving company into all-Poland entity providing a wide scope of outsourced services, on 17 November 2005 the company changed the name into ArchiDoc. Moreover, the organisational structure was extended and new locations of the company were created: Burreau for Strategic Clients in Warsaw and two Operation Centres: in Młochów and in Włocławek. Result of further company’s development was opening new branches in Warsaw and Katowice in 2007.
Strategy of ArchiDoc development for years 2009-2011 comprises further offer extension, among others, with solutions dedicated for processes performed by companies from areas crucial for the company, strengthening sales structures and preparing new, original IT solutions, facilitating services provided. ArchiDoc Management Board comprises President, Piotr Cholewa and Vice-President Waldemar Nowicki.