Data registration and verification


The archives of courts and prosecutor’s offices are bursting at the seams. Are Poland’s important documents in danger?

The archives of the judicial institutions are bursting at the seams. The situation is so dire that they are forced to rent random warehouses for file storage.


ArchiDoc: 2015 was the best year for the sector of document and back-office process management services

The number of companies which use document management outsourcing and back-office processes increases every year. According to preliminary estimates ArchiDoc's income increased in 2015 by approximately 20%, which reflects the general situation on the market.


ArchiDoc supports InterRisk’s claim management and processing of insurance policies

ArchiDoc began cooperation with InterRisk. Under the project the outsourcer provides a service which facilitates the process of claim management and the processing of insurance policies. The solution, which is supported by ArchiDoc's proprietary IT system INDO, is profiled for the needs of the insurance sector.